Back Pain Yoga Posture


Special back pain yoga posture choices can dramatically improve the flexibility and lengthen the natural reach of your spine. Back injuries often arise from just bending to pick something up. It is important to identify and use the appropriate postures safely and effectively. Deep breathing warms the body to enhance the benefit of these exercises. The benefit of yoga becomes evident when one realizes back pain sends more people to the doctor than any other ailment except the common cold.

Most damage occurs in the last two lumbar discs often due to mechanical strains are from overstretching ligaments and soft tissue. Take time to understand the cause of your pain. Is it tight and/or weak muscles, obesity, emotional stress, lack of full movement in the shoulders and hips or just poor posture? Learn about your back pain.

Yoga posture selection will come from that understanding. Stretching with yoga increases blood flow allowing nutrients in and toxins out to improve overall nourishment of the muscles and soft tissues in the lower back. Take it slow and work gently toward aligned flexibility. Relax your head and neck. When one area of the body is out of alignment, it affects every other.

Stand with feet flat on the floor or mat a comfortable distance apart. Facing forward pull the arms up. Alternate the arms to expand up and s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Repeat several times. Shake out the arms and legs. Roll the shoulders and wiggle the feet. Inhale as you bring the arms straight by your ears with fingers reaching to the sky. Exhale as you bend over with palms down leading your arms to hang gently from the waste.

Inhale as you slowly roll up and stand head erect arms relaxed at your side. Take a moment to rub your lower vertebrae with the back of each hand. Bend down on one knee and place your hands on the floor. Position the other leg to lift up into an arch walk your hands out to Down Dog. Stretch the arms and legs as you pull up into a V at the hip. Stay there for a minute or so. You'll soon see why these back pain yoga posture choices work so well!

From Down Dog, walk your hands in and bring your knees one at a time comfortably to the floor in Cat Pose. S-t-r-e-t-c-h the spine and arch the back like a cat. Tuck your head under. Inhale as you release the arch into a bowed back. Arch the head and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the neck upward. Repeat this pattern several times. Now lie on the floor relaxed face down. Inhale as you slowly lift your feet and arms stretch out to gently arch the back bringing your chest high. This is a modification of Cobra Pose to strengthen the back. Repeat. That repetition will help fight back pain. Yoga postures can be used as a way to fight off future injury, as well as to reduce currently experienced pain.

Dahnhak yoga began in Korea several thousand years ago to develop the mind and body in an area called Land of the Morning Calm. It was revived by Dr. Ichi Lee in 1980. "Dahn" means energy, and "Hak" means study. Dahnhak is the study of energy (Ki, Chi) and how to use it to restore mind/body communication. A cardinal back pain yoga posture of Dahnhak is to smile.

If you experience back pain, yoga posture choices can provide a great deal of relief and might just bring a smile to your face at the same time!

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