Delta Force To New Orleans


If you are wondering why the United States can send troopsaround the world, but failed to respond to a domestic emergencyin a timely manner, you are not alone. Expect the lack ofplanning for emergency relief, in the aftermath and devastationleft behind by Hurricane Katrina, to be the subject of a federalinvestigation.

The National Guard arrived in large numbers on Friday, September2nd, but how is it possible that the poor people of New Orleanswere left four days to fend for themselves? Doesn't the UnitedStates have a rapid deployment force? Yes, we do, and many largemilitary installations are within an hour of the Gulf Coast,when traveling by air. Many more military bases are within twohours of the devastation.

On Sunday, August 28th - one day before Hurricane Katrina landedon the Gulf Coast it was labeled a category 5 hurricane. So,what was the emergency rescue plan? Was anybody planning anyrescue efforts on Sunday night?

As luck would have it, Katrina turned out to be a category 4Hurricane.

Can you imagine the devastation, if this storm hadbeen worse? Some parts of New Orleans are 10 feet below sealevel and a system of levees, normally, keeps the surroundingwater out.

Referring to the Federal response for relief help, New OrleansMayor Ray Nagin said, "They don't have a clue what's going ondown here." Mayor Nagin's remarks are an understatement.Logistically speaking, this is not as complicated as a reliefeffort to Somalia.

President Bush said, "A lot of people are working hard to helpthose who've been affected. The results are not acceptable." Heis not kidding; if we can airlift food and weapons toAfghanistan, why is delivery to the Gulf Coast and New Orleans aproblem?

About the author:Paul Jerard, is a co-owner/director of Yoga teacher training atAura Wellness Center. He has been a certified Master Yogateacher since 1995. He is a master instructor of martial arts.He teaches Yoga, martial arts, and fitness to children, adults,and seniors. Recently he wrote: Is Running a Yoga Business Rightfor You? For Yoga students, who may be considering a new careeras a Yoga teacher.


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