Knee And Back Pain With The Help Of Yoga - Part 1


By Glen Wood

You should set up a specific goal for the day and try to attain it, however much it hurts (within reason). A beginning goal might be to walk half a block a day and increase the distance gradually over time. Doctors and physical therapists can help determine safe and effective ways to recondition your bodies. Initially, it will hurt. The muscles have not been used for a long time. The pain signifies that the muscle being exercised has been weakened by lack of use. Gentle stretching exercises such as yoga are very useful, this will help your knee and back pain.

With knee pain, over a period of time the lower back will also begin to suffer. As the pressure of relieving the 'weak' knee is transferred to the other, which in turn puts pressure on the lower back.

You may not notice this shift as the body is really good at compensating and with the imbalance now in place, this now becomes the 'norm' as the body tries to re-balance itself. Sometimes back pain will be felt, not always.

Even if you do practice yoga, it is always a good idea to have your body/spine checked for imbalances by your healthcare professional. Visiting your osteopath, spinal therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist every now and again will help you to be more aware of your body and to take steps to rectify any imbalances.

The researchers say that exercise has previously been shown to relieve chronic low back pain, but this is the first study to suggest yoga may be superior to other forms of exercise. "Yoga may be beneficial for back pain because it involves physical movement, but it may also exert benefits through its effects on mental focus," they write. This focus could help patients "increase their awareness of how they had been moving and positioning their body in maladaptive ways, to relax tense muscles, and to relieve mental stress."

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.

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