Knee And Back Pain With The Help Of Yoga Part 5


By Glen Wood

With gentle exercise the body will start to heal and recover, the more you put in the more you get out. It can be a very fine line where to draw between working too much or working too little. When you are exercising, it is ok to be 'agreeably uncomfortable'. This is where you decide to draw that line.

Be aware that the ego will kick in and tell you to do more and as a result you will feel pain. You will need to control the ego.

Resistance work can also be useful for issues with knee pain and other areas of the body. For instance with knees where key hole surgery is about to take place. This is what happened to me. A couple of months before my operation this is what I did with the help of my osteopath to a quick recovery.

For this you will need a pair of socks tied together with a pebble in each. The pebble will need to be about half a pound in weight.

While sat on a chair, wrap the socks which are tied together over the ankle of the affected knee. Then keeping your back straight on an exhalation begin to start to straighten the leg bringing it to the horizontal plane of the thigh. And breathing in on the way down. Try reversing this when your ready.

Just to start with, do a dozen or so up and down movements, to get the 'feel' of the exercise. Later you can start to refine this by taking the heel away from the body and the toes coming back to you with the knee pulled up 'gently'. Doing this a few times a day will prepare the knee and ligaments for surgery and towards a swift recovery.

Continue to do your yoga practice, it will pay you dividends. You will become stronger, more flexible, calmer with an overall wellness of being on all levels. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels will become heightened and you will become more aware of you body. (You also start to see changes in others as you become more 'tuned in'). When you start to work 'within' you can start to work on the 'outside'. Most do it the other way round.

Your body is a vehicle getting you from A to B, so it makes sense to 'service' your body regularly to keep it in top shape.

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back and Shoulder Pain.

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