Yoga Workouts - What to Wear


By Sarah Russell

If you've ever attended a yoga class, you've probably seen the men and women decked out in the latest, most fashionable yoga wear. Don't worry - you don't need to rush out to purchase expensive gear just to do yoga. It's much more important that you feel comfortable during a yoga practice, not stylish. Here are a few guidelines on what to wear:

The most important consideration is that yoga clothing should not be restrictive - most people prefer loose clothing made of a stretchy cotton material for practicing. You'll be sweating a lot, especially in the beginning, since the movements can be quite strenuous. Cotton clothing tends to wick away moisture more than synthetic fabric blends, leaving you more comfortable. Wearing the appropriate clothing during yoga alleviates distractions, allowing you to concentrate on the poses you're doing.

Shorts, t-shirts, leotards and tights are all acceptable clothing in which to perform yoga. You'll obviously be guided by your figure type and which items of clothing make you feel more comfortable and look better. Watch out for stiff clothing. You won't be able to move as freely as you need to and this will affect both your concentration and your ability to perform certain poses.

If you live in a warm climate, shorts are ideal, as your skin will be open to the fresh air. Tank or tube style tops also help you avoid feeling too sweaty and sticky. Realistically, you're going to sweat during yoga, especially if you're just getting started. However, there's a difference between sweating as a natural result of exercise and seriously overheating because you're wearing the wrong clothing.

On the other hand if you are doing your yoga in a cold or air conditioned room, long or three-quarter length sleeves will be more appropriate and you will not feel the cold as much. Cold air tends to stiffen muscles, which is a big problem during yoga practice! Be sure your clothing keeps you warm enough to keep you supple and protect your muscles.

Your clothing choices will also be influenced by the particular type of yoga you are performing. In the case of Bikram Yoga, also known as the "hot yoga", you'll need to be especially conscious of overheating. Consider shorts and tank tops that keep you cooler while practicing yoga. If you'll be doing Ashtanga or Power Yoga, you'll need clothing that moves well and doesn't bind up between positions.

The yoga clothing you choose can be a great way of expressing your personality. If you're a stylish person, choose multi-colored garments that reflect your uniqueness and individuality. If you love nature, choose earth tones and floral colors. Choosing clothing colors that resonate with you can help you focus during your practice. And if you have yoga clothes that you absolutely love, you may be more likely to keep up with your practice!

Want to learn more about how yoga can change your life? Check out Sarah Russell's new book - The Beginner's Guide to Yoga and Meditation - at:


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