Yoga in Practice - Two Life-Changing Steps to Happiness


By Paul Jerard

Practitioners of Yoga are shaping their future through daily practice. Change will be a constant factor throughout life - whether you recognize the effects of change, as it occurs, or afterward.

Yet, humanity's search for happiness never changes. We desire happiness from the moment of birth, to our last day; but how do we find, gather, and keep happiness? Let's take two simple steps toward making happiness a part of your daily life.

Consider the most common questions students of Yoga ask, as they become self-aware. Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? The answer is: Happiness. Due to our awareness, most of us want more than food, shelter, and clothing. So, where do we start and how do we acquire happiness for good?

1. Happiness comes from within. It is not an acquisition. If you could have unlimited money, there is no guarantee of happiness. In the case of unlimited funds, you are only guaranteed that you will not worry about money, but your relationships with everyone you know would change.

Recognition, of what is truly valuable, is the first step toward happiness. Most of what makes us happy is intangible. Healthy relationships, giving to others, good health, and feelings of accomplishment, make us happy.

Giving affection, or performing selfless service (Karma Yoga), does not require be material. Smiling at others, saying hello, sharing a laugh, good gestures of affection, a flower, a card, or an Email, can uplift another person as much, or more, than material acquisitions.

2. Recognize that you have a right to be happy. This is a fact, which most people are in complete denial. Often, this is the most common road block to finding happiness. We control our destiny by what we envision. If we see a gloomy future - that will become the path we expect in life.

Why do people deny their right to be happy? Even, within some Yoga circles, there is a belief in denying the right to happiness, because it is viewed as self-centered motivation. Please consider this: Are the happy people in this world doing harm to others and spreading evil? You already know the answer, but let's look at our history for proof.

On a massive scale: When a government, religion, or society, makes rules to prevent happiness, it will not be long for it to subject its followers to torture, imprisonment, and executions.

On a much smaller scale: One person, who is unhappy, can spread a lot of negativity. One person has an effect on a family and the community. Why not spread happiness, instead of gloom and doom? There is no joy in making misery for others.

Never feel guilty for being happy. Enjoy each moment, and your life will change the world around you - for the best.

ฉ Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:


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